
Fixing my website

Originally posted on December 20, 2021

The mobile version of WordPress had been working poorly for years. I think not being able to write on the go impacted my desire to work on it. Making writing a habit was what kept me going. Had the project fresh in my mind.

I’d not written anything in 20 months. My last draft was the same month as lockdown first hit the UK. My mind full of uncertainty and my writing style coloured by SEO. My marketing qualification nearing its end.

December 2021 I try to update my website. I cannot view any of WP admin and when I look at the non – admin side to edit posts the interface says I have no posts to show. 79 drafts. 80 posts. 0 to show. The pages are still live but I can’t see them here. Turns out I was running WP version 2.2.2 and it is currently on 2.8.3 so I spend a couple of evenings updating. Not exactly version by version as updates fail over and over so I just try different versions until one goes through.

Now my posts show on the standard WP interface. But not in the admin. Still getting a 404. I look a few more things up and find the admin page url changer add on is breaking things. I uninstall and I can edit posts!

In the meantime I had been testing a ‘handmade’ version of my site on neocities.org and liked it. Sure its frustrating to have to manage my own image locations but I’m learning things.

I’ll find a way to back up this version. I’ve been precious about “loosing” it but not used it in nearly two years. Time to make the leap. Time to build something new.

I guess I should link to the Web section of my new site.

I've been very slow at migrating the old posts. My most popular page is a 404 so someone must be looking for these pages.I can't be bothered to keep the old addresses. I'd have to create folders for every post then call each page index within it. I'll make an effort for local gig reviews and the like as they were sometimes linked and I'd rather they not rot.