
How (not) to bleach (my) pubes

First posted 8 March 2019

FFS why?!

Obviously because I want to. I’ve been using semi-permanent hair colour for a few years and occasionally I try to use the left overs.

My head hair is naturally a mid-dark brown so the colours I added in 2017 only showed in bright lights and looked like an oil slick when braided. After I cut it very short I decided to bleach it.

My mother has been bleaching my hair for two years so I’ve had a visible rainbow, purple, and my (now signature) pink hair.

Can the carpet match the drapes?

As said I have tried before on unbleached hair. Blue didn’t take though red did make the brown more auburn. To match my bright pink hair I need to use bleach.

This is obvi not an instruction manual; it’s a diary entry nobody wants to thousands have read. Don’t bleach anything in a poorly ventilated bathroom.

Don’t do that!

As my mother has always bleached my hair I could not say ‘leave a bit’ then come downstairs with brown eyebrows. I bought a hair lightening cream designed for moustaches and arms and the like. It’s milder, but still bleach. A small kit for £4.

I don’t want to hurt myself or my bush so will only do the top bit away from my delicate skin.

Don’t put that there!

I prepared the cream and applied with an old toothbrush to clean hair & skin. I sat legs spread on a folding chair by the bath. It smells like bleach.

I made a bit too much so applied the excess on the inner thigh hairs. There is less of them so I touched the skin more on application and lightly stings.

After the suggested 15 minutes I look and the hair looks lighter. A light brown or dirty blonde. I want to leave it on longer.

I scrape some off using the provided spatula and wait the extra ten minutes the instructions say I can have.

I didn’t get round to doing a patch test so I won’t leave it in any longer. Yes, I know that is bad.

Shower time

The last ten mins really showed when I looked down. I gently washed the bleach out, laying on my side and angling the shower head away from my genitals.

Some contortion was required to avoid letting the bleach-water run over anywhere sensative.

How’s it looking?

Once dried my hair seemed dry and brittle. She’d been in very good condition until now. The untainted hair further down looks happier. It’s frizzy now, not the soft curls it had been, though that could be the towel drying.

I stole this chart off the internet. What was once a 2 or 3 is now a 5. It’s orange in tone and doesn’t look like mine. The skin looks ok if a tad red.

The thigh hair is also lighter. Makes things look neater, as if I shaved above the knee.


The only dye I had in the bathroom was some combination of pink, red, and conditioner. I expect it will be weak.

I left it in for five minutes before I realised I’d applied the dye to the edge of my thighs where I should have left it blonde. I scraped the dye away leaving stained pink skin. The hair looked the darker again.

I left it in for another five then rinsed out.

How does it look?

It’s red. With a pink-ish tone to it. The morning after my skin is less stained so you can see the hair colour better.

I like it.

Show us a picture!

While there are no external restrictions on what I can post on my own website I don’t want to upload a picture of all my pubic hair.

Here is a comparison shot of two dyed pubic hairs (left) and three pink head hairs. The pubes are darker and thicker.

What’s the partner think?

He’s not the biggest fan of the bush but knows I like it.

I can’t remember if I told him I’d bought the bleach. I’d mentioned trying it before. It’s about satisfying my curiosity but let’s find out if he likes it!

His opinion:

He laughed. I’d told him I’d done something stupid and he agreed.

How long did it last?

In the morning some colour had rubbed off onto my knickers. The transferred colour is much brighter, same colour as my pillows after I dye my head hair.

Half a week has gone and its still there. After more than a week it’s still bright and now now purple in tone. Roots starting to show after two, when looking for them.

It slowly fades and you wouldn’t notice it after three weeks.

Will you do it again?

I have at least half the bottle of bleach left but it’s been three months. I’ll do it again if I get bored. Which I probably will.